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      Jianghuai Automobile bucks the trend and plays a Chinese brand

      Since the beginning of this year, the growth rate of China's auto industry has further slowed down, continuing to hover at a low level, with a slight year-on-year decline in production and sales growth within single digits. However, JAC Motors bucked the trend and handed out a beautiful transcript. From January to October, Jianghuai Automobile sold a total of 476,900 vehicles of various types, an increase of 31.85% year-on-year; it is estimated that nearly 600,000 vehicles of various types will be produced and sold throughout the year, with an operating income of 46 billion yuan.

      The steady development of JAC has been highly recognized by the party and state leaders. On October 30, Li Keqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, visited JAC Motors and highly affirmed the fruitful results achieved by JAC Motors in its diversified development, emphasizing that innovation and development are the true driving force for JAC Motors, and product quality is the basis for market development And business cards, and open cooperation will achieve greater prospects in the future, hoping to see JAC occupy a larger market and participate in more international cooperation.

      Simultaneous business and construction to build new development advantages

      "Commercial vehicles are the core superior business of JAC Motors, and they are the foundation of their own lives, and they must be strong and large; passenger vehicles are the strategic business of JAC Motors. They do not pursue speed and quantity, they must be refined and optimized." Anjin, Chairman of JAC Motors Say so.

      Throughout China's auto industry, JAC is one of the few comprehensive auto companies that advocates and adheres to the development strategy of "combining business with passengers".

      JAC commercial vehicles have a pivotal position in the industry, with annual sales of more than 200,000 units. Over the years, they have maintained a positive and good development trend and are among the best in the automotive industry. Among them, the sales revenue of leading light truck products increased by 13.4% year-on-year, the added value of products has increased significantly, and has ranked first in the export of similar products in China for 14 consecutive years. Jianghuai heavy trucks emerged suddenly, ranking fifth in the industry, and won the Venezuelan government's purchase order of 6,159 vehicles in one fell swoop, creating the largest export of heavy trucks in China. On September 3 this year, on the day of the military parade to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s Anti-Japanese War and the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War, Ankaibao Stone, as the only bus brand that directly participated in the military parade, was equipped with the anti-war veteran team and our high Sophisticated military equipment was read on the same stage, which was approved by all parties and showed the charm of "Made in China" to the world.

      In the first 10 months, JAC's cumulative sales of passenger cars were 271,000, an increase of 88.9% year-on-year, making it the fastest-growing passenger car brand in China. Among them, the advantages of SUV products are prominent. The sales of Refine S3 reached 180,000 units a year, ranking first in the domestic small SUV market; Refine S2 was listed at the end of August this year, and the market response was enthusiastic. The sales in the first month exceeded 6,000 units. Refine S3 and Refine S2 form the "Gemini" of JAC SUVs, and both of them enter the top ten in the market segment. Driven by its strong drive, JAC's annual passenger vehicle sales are expected to exceed 300,000 units, a record high.

      JAC new energy vehicles are at the forefront of the industry

      In 2002, JAC started the research and development of new energy vehicles. At present, we have systematically mastered the key core technologies of electric vehicles: battery reorganization, motor, electronic control, and key technologies of electric steering, electric braking, and energy recovery, especially battery thermal management technology, and breakthroughs in intrinsic safety management technology.

      In 2012, as a national new energy vehicle industry technological innovation project led by three national ministries and commissions, JAC's fifth-generation pure electric car and Ankai pure electric passenger car passed the inspection at a high level.

      The consolidation of R&D capabilities provides a strong support for market promotion. JAC has always dared to try first in the application and promotion of new technologies, leading the industry. Since the first batch of 585 pure electric cars were put on the market in 2010. As of now, JAC iEV pure electric cars have launched five generations of products, achieving sales of 15,000 units, with a total mileage of more than 300 million kilometers. In 2010, the Hefei No. 18 bus line composed of 30 Ankai pure electric buses became the world's first pure electric bus line. After 5 years of operation, the total mileage of safe operation exceeded 7 million kilometers. So far, 1,100 pure electric buses have been operating normally in Hefei.

      From January to October of this year, JAC's cumulative sales of new energy vehicles reached nearly 10,000, an increase of nearly 6 times year-on-year. Among them, JAC pure electric cars sold a total of 7,488 vehicles, an increase of more than 600% year-on-year; electric bus sales of 2084, an increase of more than 500%. According to JAC's new energy vehicle strategic plan, it will adhere to the technical route of pure electric drive, pure electric and plug-in two technical platforms. By 2025, new energy vehicles will account for more than 30% of total production and sales.

      International capacity cooperation creates a broad stage

      From January to September 2015, China exported 553,600 vehicles, a year-on-year decrease of 16.5%. JAC has always adhered to the operating principles of "effective, technical, quality, distinctive, and scale" and "five have". It has actively adjusted product structure and created differentiated competitive advantages. In the first ten months of this year, the cumulative export 56,000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 23.2%, total exports and total exports ranked third and sixth in the industry. Among them, JAC light trucks have ranked first in industry exports for 14 consecutive years; passenger car export rankings have risen to second place in the industry; heavy truck exports have ranked third in the industry.

      Today, JAC has established a marketing network covering more than 130 countries or regions in South America, Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia and Eastern Europe, and has built more than 500 international sales and service outlets, with 19 overseas KD (parts) Assembly) factory.

      At present, the country's "Belt and Road" has brought multiple development opportunities to the automobile industry. JAC will also focus on seizing the opportunity for its future development direction to be highly compatible with the country's "Belt and Road" strategy, and further accelerate the Middle East, North Africa and West Asia. Market development in key countries along the Belt and Road.

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