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      86,000 heavy trucks sold in mid-May, up 27.57% year-on-year

      Through interviews, we learned that in May, the heavy and medium truck market sold 85,070 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 27.57%. In terms of overall sales, in May, there were 3 top ten heavy truck companies with sales exceeding 10,000. Compared with 76,000 vehicles in April, the overall sales volume has risen. Not only that, the performance of each heavy truck company is also different, please see the analysis brought by Fangde.com. The sales volume of each medium and heavy truck brand in April 2016 (unit: car) Because the data in this table are obtained from Fangdewang's visit and survey, the data is not accurate (it may be different from the China Automobile Association data). In particular, this month's sales figures for Jiefang and Dongfeng are very close. Therefore, it is still unknown who is the first in the data of the China Automobile Association. However, these data are very helpful for the overall judgment. 2 Who is the first to liberate Dongfeng? It is unknown that FAW's sales volume is 15,750 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 66.8%). Dongfeng's 155 million vehicles are comparable to Liberation, with a gap of more than two hundred vehicles. The data in this table are obtained from Fangdewang's visit and survey, so the data is not accurate (it may be different from the China Automobile Association data). In particular, this month's sales figures for Jiefang and Dongfeng are very close. Therefore, it is still unknown who is the first in the data of the China Automobile Association. However, these data are very helpful for the overall judgment. Sinotruk ranked third with 12,000 sales. Shaanxi Automobile and Futian, which tied for fourth place last month, are also similar this month, with fourth and fifth places being 8,400 and 8,100 respectively. JAC ranked sixth with 5,900 sales, which opened a big gap with the latter. Dayun and Hongyan sold 1,808 and 1,676 respectively, ranking seventh and eighth. The ninth and tenth places are Hualing and Beiben, respectively, with sales of 1,350 and 800. Ten companies and six are growing year-on-year! In terms of the entire industry, 86,000 heavy trucks were sold in May, a year-on-year increase of 27.57%. Six of these companies achieved positive growth. Unlike last month, JAC's performance this month has grown by leaps and bounds, with a year-on-year increase of 101.92% in May and won the champion of growth rate. Specifically, Shangyihong increased 85.81% year-on-year in May, continuing the good development momentum in April and becoming the runner-up in sales growth. The data in this table are obtained from Fangdewang's visit and survey, so the data is not accurate (it may be different from the China Automobile Association data). In particular, this month's sales figures for Jiefang and Dongfeng are very close. Therefore, it is still unknown who is the first in the data of the China Automobile Association. However, these data are very helpful for the overall judgment. 3 According to a survey conducted by Fangdewang, FAW Jiefang increased by 66.8% in May, closely following Hongyan. In addition, Sinotruk and Shaanxi have both achieved double-digit growth rates, respectively: 15.13% and 20%. The increase of Foton is 7.6%. According to Fangde.com, Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Headquarters increased by 0.5% from last month and 22% year-on-year. Therefore, it is estimated that Dongfeng's heavy truck increased by about 25% from the previous month. The sales volume of Liuqi is also quite optimistic, with a year-on-year increase of 29.7% in May. Hualing, Beiben and Universiade have experienced varying degrees of decline. There was only one month-on-month increase. Compared with the sales of medium- and heavy-duty trucks in April, the sales of medium- and heavy-duty trucks in May were only increased by Jianghuai, with an increase of 40.48%. The data in this table are obtained from Fangdewang's visit and survey, so the data is not accurate (it may be different from the China Automobile Association data). In particular, this month's sales figures for Jiefang and Dongfeng are very close. Therefore, it is still unknown who is the first in the data of the China Automobile Association. However, these data are very helpful for the overall judgment. In addition to Sinotruk's sales last month, without increasing or decreasing, Jiefang, Dayun, Futian, Hongyan, Shaanxi Automobile, Valin, Beiben and Dongfeng all showed varying degrees of decline, respectively: 17.77%, 0.28 %, 4.71%, 4.61%, 1.18%, 2.17%, 20% and 13.89%. Summary: In May, the total sales volume of the heavy truck market was 86,000 units, a year-on-year increase of 27.57%. JAC increased 101.92% in May, becoming the champion of growth rate. Next month, can JAC, the new dark horse, maintain its growth rate all the way up? How will Shaanxi Auto and Foton perform?
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