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      Forecast: 2016 logistics industry will present four major trends

      As the country changes from the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" to the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", China's logistics industry is still in a period of promising strategic opportunities, but it is also facing a series of serious challenges of contradictions and problems. It is expected that the industry's growth rate will continue to trend With a steady slowdown, the traditional extensive development model relying on cost-price competition is unsustainable, and the industry has entered a new stage of development with transformation and upgrading as the main line. In other words, the traditional warehouse distribution system can no longer meet the needs of the times. In the post-e-commerce era, e-commerce warehousing, urban and rural distribution, large-scale logistics, and intelligent logistics will become the focus of logistics development, and the entire logistics industry will show Four major trends. The logistics industry will usher in a new turning point in 2016. The distribution radius determines the living space of the enterprise. Recently, giants in various fields have continued to move in the field of logistics and distribution. For example, are you hungry? Hold an online food ordering open distribution platform conference in Shanghai to gather hundreds of thousands of teams to deliver power; Baidu also launched an intelligent distribution system "Logistics 3.0 ", claim to be able to complete the distribution of 10,000 orders in one second, realize real-time personalized data mining services and visual real-time monitoring interface. In fact, the fundamental purpose of these measures is to shorten the distribution radius of logistics. The smaller the industry radius, the shorter the time for users to obtain goods, and the user experience is naturally the best. Industry experts said that in the Internet era, the most important thing for the logistics system is to optimize the network operations, improve the experience and reduce costs. In the future, the most ideal thing for logistics is to find a "balance point" to realize the maximum benefit of the storage layout and transportation capacity and enhance the user experience. At the same time reduce the logistics costs of enterprises. At present, giants in various industries have begun to test the water to find this "balance point". JD.com operates 143 large warehouses in 43 cities, covering 1961 districts and counties nationwide; Suning Logistics has established distribution in 300 cities Center... But as far as the current situation is concerned, Rishun Logistics has accumulated leading practice experience in the field of professional large-scale logistics distribution. It is understood that Rishun has 15 shipping bases, 100 distribution centers, 1000 HUB warehouses (planned 2000), and 6,000 service outlets in the country, which can achieve 2800 districts and counties in Rishun Logistics covering no blind areas. It also means that Rishun Logistics has a more advantageous distribution radius in the distribution process, providing users with more efficient services. Urban and rural two-way logistics system opened up On January 4, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Integration and Development of Rural One, Two and Three Industries", pointing out the development of e-commerce and "Internet", on the one hand, bringing urban industrial products to the countryside; On the other hand, it brings agricultural products and rural specialty products to cities, but whether it is urban to rural or rural to urban, the opening of a two-way logistics system becomes the key. It is understood that the village's agricultural products used to be very difficult to enter the city. On the one hand, the time limit is difficult to guarantee. On the other hand, the lack of professional packaging and cold chain equipment has caused great loss of goods on the road. The online shopping of rural consumers is very different from that of cities, and needs to meet a large number of personalized needs. "Village people from time to time buy several 5-6 meter long telephone poles and rest pavilions." These goods are not only difficult for ordinary express logistics companies to transport, some also need construction and installation, and the construction of the urban and rural two-way system has become a test for logistics companies. A difficult problem. It can be seen from this that the two-way system puts forward extremely high requirements on logistics enterprises' delivery capacity and timeliness. In the construction of the "urban-rural intercommunication" system, some enterprises have made forward-looking explorations. On the road to "going to the countryside", Rishun Logistics relies on its own capacity building from the main line to the district distribution and the last mile of distribution, relying on 90,000 vehicles, 180,000 service soldiers and more than 17,000 service providers in the country. It provides users with integrated services of home entry and delivery in the village without blind areas in the country, and truly achieves "sale to the village, delivery to the door, and service to the home". On the road of "into the city", Rishun Logistics launched the last-mile delivery service platform for large-scale goods on the Rishun Express Line. Relying on a strong intelligent system technical support, with the standard operating system, the Rishun Express Line has both It can provide e-commerce platforms and brand enterprises with one- and multi-warehouse full-process personalized solutions, and can quickly respond to small-batch and multi-batch service needs, and solve the last mile problem for trunk logistics companies. Provide fast, affordable, standard, honest and credible large-scale goods warehouse integration, delivery and synchronization services for business enterprises and individuals. In order to solve the multi-party e-commerce logistics and urban distribution needs. The logistics industry ushered in a "big" outbreak. According to the "Home Grid Purchase Report", the scale of China's grid purchase market has reached 3 steps in three years. In 2014, the market scale exceeded 200 billion yuan, an increase of 51% year-on-year. This trend will continue in the future. Will continue further. Judging from this year's Double Eleven online shopping, the online shopping of Home Appliances has once again set a new record. Among them, the performance of Internet TV is particularly eye-catching. Throughout 2015, it is undoubtedly a year of rapid rise of Internet TV. Traditional manufacturers are also undergoing major reforms Emerging companies such as Xiaomi and Micro Whale have joined in successively. Coincidentally, in addition to Internet TV brands, more than 60 home customers such as Merlot, Chivas, Xilinmen, Gujia, Kumanju, as well as Mavericks electric vehicles, fitness equipment brands such as Yijian, Yijikang, and Blue Fort are also In the process of development and growth, we joined hands with Rishun Logistics. As a result, users' online shopping for large items can be gradually expanded from home appliances to furniture, home furnishing, fitness equipment, electric vehicles, etc., and e-commerce can add new items to tap new increments. The market, and the large-scale logistics enterprises represented by Rishun Logistics have also continuously expanded their business scope and realized the ideal situation of a win-win situation for all three parties. In the next step, driven by both user needs and the improvement of large-scale logistics and distribution capabilities, there will be more “big” categories sold online, and the development structure of the entire logistics industry will gradually shift from a saturated small-size market to The large-scale large-scale market is inclined, and the logistics industry is expected to become “bigger”. Smart logistics will break the "inflection point" in the logistics industry. Various companies have shown their cards. When Amazon is deploying smart logistics centers around the world, it will vigorously develop smart devices such as drones and smart watches; The construction of cargo and automated logistics centers; when Ma Yun announced that it would speed up the rookie network layout and build an intelligent logistics backbone node city, the trend of intelligent logistics has become an irreversible trend in the industry. According to industry experts' forecast, the future development speed of China's logistics technology and equipment industry will continue to be the world's first, China's logistics equipment market has gradually become the world's largest market, and the industry's development strategy opportunity period is 8 to 10 years. The domestic smart logistics is also progressing from the wind to the wind. It is understood that in order to enhance the user experience, Rishun Logistics has perfected the whole-process intelligent solution of large-scale logistics, and warehousing users can make reservations from the system through the system. Begin to realize the visual management of inventory goods; and e-commerce logistics end users can clearly know where and where the goods they are buying are located through the full visual and social open logistics platform, making online shopping more convenient and at ease. In addition, Rishun deeply deployed the intelligent warehousing system and realized a comprehensive upgrade of the logistics distribution system. "Shan Qianshui has no way to reconcile doubts, and there will be another village in the dark." The process of transformation is difficult. Only by continuously strengthening internal power and strengthening Internet thinking can companies provide users with more comprehensive services and be invincible in the process of transformation. Ground.

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