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      Overrun rectification efforts increased, new heavy truck demand is expected to be released

      Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Ministry of Communications and other five ministries and commissions jointly issued the "Notice on Carrying out Special Remediation Actions for Illegal Truck Modifications", intensifying the crackdown on the illegal modification of trucks, focusing on preventing and curbing illegal violations of trucks from the source. . Driven by the strict investigation and punishment of illegal and overloaded trucks and the recovery of downstream demand, the prosperity of the heavy truck industry will continue to improve.
      It is understood that the special rectification operation for illegal conversion of trucks is carried out in three stages: the first stage is the mobilization deployment stage, the implementation plan is formulated, the task division is refined, and the publicity promotion is strengthened; the second stage is the key rectification stage, and specialized forces are organized, Comprehensively carry out inspection and rectification work; the third stage is the summary and improvement stage, combing the situation and summing up experience, and establishing and improving a long-term governance mechanism. The special rectification actions clarified the key tasks of multiple links such as comprehensive inspection of enterprises, product consistency supervision, sales link supervision, registration check, joint law enforcement, etc., and put forward the work requirements of comprehensive investigation and rectification, strengthening publicity and guidance, and improving working mechanisms.
      From the perspective of industry development, with the slight growth of the highway logistics market and the implementation of the GB1589 standard and the over-limit policy, the heavy truck market has shown a recovery trend, and sales have increased significantly. According to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, last year, heavy trucks produced and sold 741,400 and 733,900 vehicles, an increase of 38.29% and 33.08% year-on-year. In addition, the gradual rebound in commodity prices has stimulated the vitality of market transactions and driven the development of related logistics and transportation industries. At the same time, the large-scale integration of the logistics industry and the transformation of high-end and high-efficiency vehicles will also stimulate the heavy truck industry.
      The in-depth advancement of the construction of the “Belt and Road” project and the strengthening of international cooperation in production capacity will provide support for heavy truck exports. At the same time, the outline of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development plan was implemented, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt was accelerated, a new round of revitalization of the old industrial base in the northeast region was implemented, and the promotion of major projects such as the construction of inland waterways and urban underground pipeline networks will also increase the demand for heavy trucks. At present, the major production and sales manufacturers in the heavy truck industry are FAW Group, Dongfeng Group, Sinotruk Group, Shaanxi Automobile Group, Beiqi Foton, Anhui Jianghuai, Chengdu Dayun, Shanghai Iveco Hongyan, etc. Statistics from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers show that the production and sales of the top five manufacturers have occupied more than 80% of the market share, and the industry concentration is relatively high.

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