
      Welcome to Putian Intelligent Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

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      Master and apprentice join hands

      In order to promote newly recruited intern employees to quickly master work skills, integrate into the working environment, inherit and promote the company's corporate culture, at 7:40 am on June 13, the Group Heavy Industry Technology Company held an internship apprenticeship ceremony in the mold workshop. Deputy General Manager Yi Zhaohua presided over and all workshop employees participated.

      At the beginning of the apprenticeship ceremony, Mr. Ping first expressed his warm welcome to the 15 intern employees, hoping that each intern employee would earnestly study and abide by the rules and regulations of the workshop, learn with humility, and master and consolidate his technical skills. Afterwards, General Manager read out the list of intern employees and masters in this apprenticeship ceremony. The workshop director issued certificates to the intern employees and masters, and the apprentice bowed to the master to perform the apprenticeship.

      President Liu of the Group expressed his warm welcome to the arrival of interns and welcomed everyone to join the global family. Afterwards, President Liu combined the explanations of "Teacher, so preaching and solving doubts" and "Teacher for one day, father for life" respectively. The master and the disciples made strict demands. As a master, you must clarify your responsibilities, be responsible to your apprentices, and impart skills to your apprentices, and do a good job of "stricken education" and "deep education"; while being responsible to yourself, as a student, you must be at ease in your job, and be hard-working and eye-working , Diligent, ask more questions, ask the master for advice, and strive to be alone in the work as soon as possible.

      President Liu emphasized the purpose of this apprenticeship ceremony, and hoped that through the apprenticeship ceremony, the "transmission-help-belt" training model for new recruits would be strengthened to help the rapid growth of new recruits. All workshops should attach great importance to the safety issues of employees during internship, pay attention to the daily work and life of intern employees, communicate more, communicate diligently, and hope that all intern employees will inherit the global spirit of love and dedication of the global people, work hard and work together to create a better future for the company !

      After the apprenticeship ceremony, 15 intern employees and the master signed the "Responsibility Letter for Teachers and Apprentices", clarifying the responsibilities of teachers and apprentices, giving full play to the role of "passing, helping, and leading", cultivating professional skills and talents, and providing strong power for the company's development Talent guarantee!

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