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      Qingdao Auto Parts Co., Ltd. "Promote learning by teaching, promote learning by learning" post function promotion activities

      In order to strengthen the sense of job responsibility, refine and perfect the responsibilities of managers, share work skills and excellent experience, improve the comprehensive quality of managers, and encourage young managers to go to the podium, the management department of Auto Parts Company organized the "Promote learning, promote learning by learning" function publicity activities.

      This function promotion contest attracted 10 key players from all departments to compete on the same stage. Through the PPT courseware, further refine and improve the position responsibility system of management personnel, display the responsibilities and experience skills of management positions, and create a The "sponsored" department creates a cultural atmosphere, stimulates the enthusiasm and passion of employees to participate in learning, and helps employees grow.

      After a fierce competition, Wang Yu from the sales department won the first place in this publicity contest with detailed and perfect job functions and wonderful publicity.

      Yu Fei from the Finance Department and Wang Yufei from the First Workshop won the second prize of this competition with exquisite PPT courseware production skills and detailed content. The third prize was won by Dong Pengcheng from the Technology Department, Teng Xiaoyun from the Sales Department and Ding Juan from the Management Department. This competition also produced three outstanding awards, which were won by the second workshop Han Mingfu, the sales department Yin Xuetao, and the quality craftsman Fan Chenglong. The ranking is limited, but the enthusiasm and efforts of the players are infinite. Each player has been carefully prepared and submitted a satisfactory answer.

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