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      Global Academy Finance Branch organizes "Business and Accounting" training open class

      In order to standardize financial management and improve the financial management thinking of management personnel, the Group’s Global College Finance Branch conducts financial training activities every Saturday. On the morning of June 15th, the Group’s Finance Branch organized the “Business and Accounting” training open class in 500 training classrooms. Sixty-five managers of various companies and departments of the group participated in the training.
      This open class was lectured by Director Xu Xianliang of the Finance Center, which mainly explained the seven principles in Kazuo Inamori's "Operation and Accounting" and the three major financial statements.
      Manager Xu introduced the seven principles of "Business and Accounting" and their application in practical work in combination with the PPT courseware with pictures and texts, and asked everyone to combine the learning of "Business and Accounting" and apply them. The seven principles of accounting in business and accounting: cash flow management principles, one-to-one correspondence principles, solid and firm management principles, perfectionism principles, double confirmation principles, principle of improving accounting efficiency, and glass-like transparent operation principles Go to the actual work, focus on efficiency and efficiency, standardize financial management, enhance the role of financial management and control, and serve the production and operation of enterprises.
      Through the training, let everyone have a more comprehensive understanding and understanding of the study of "Management and Accounting", and the training effect is good.

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