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      Shaanxi Automobile took the lead in holding a business meeting

      Shaanxi Automobile 2016 Annual Business Meeting was held in Xi'an on December 9. The theme of this annual meeting is "Strong transformation, cultivate subdivision, customer relationship, and enjoy the future." More than 800 representatives of distributors, customers, suppliers and financial companies attended the annual meeting. The gold version of the X3000 heavy truck was released at the meeting. Zhou Yinchao, deputy general manager of Shaanxi Heavy Duty Truck and general manager of the sales company, announced that in 2016, the sales volume of Shaanxi Heavy Truck will exceed 72,000.
      In-depth transformation, innovation driven
      In 2015, the heavy truck market continued its downward trend in the previous two years. It is estimated that the domestic sales of heavy trucks will be about 550,000 units for the whole year of this year, a decrease of 27% compared with 740,000 units in 2014. Among them, the sales of dump trucks and natural gas vehicles fell the most, both exceeding 70%. In the context of such profound changes in market demand and in-depth adjustment of the industrial structure, whether the transformation has not only affected the development direction of the enterprise, but also has become a key factor in determining the survival of the enterprise.
      Shaanxi Automobile is a heavy truck enterprise that recognized the importance of transformation earlier. At the business conference last year, it proposed the idea of transformation and development. After a year of hard work, it has achieved practical results. According to Zhou Yinchao, the sales of Shaanxi Delong X3000, which was launched at the business conference last year, will exceed 5,000 units by the end of this year. Delong new M3000 6×2 heavy truck, annual sales volume reached 10,000 units, market share increased by 7.7%. On the 25th of July, Shaanxi Automobile's entire series of trucks is expected to reach 4,000 units by the end of the year, a year-on-year increase of 300%, and successfully entered the truck market. Yuan Hongming, chairman of Shaanxi Automobile Holdings, said: “In 2015, Shaanxi Automobile’s product structure adjustment achieved remarkable results. Although engineering dump trucks and natural gas vehicles are the traditional main models of Shaanxi Automobile, Shaanxi Automobile received Market impact is not great."
      The transformation effect in 2015 was remarkable, but Shaanxi Auto was not satisfied. In the next five years, the transformation and development of Shaanxi Auto will focus on innovation to achieve breakthroughs. Yuan Hongming said: "In the 13th Five-Year Plan period, Shaanxi Automobile will increase its innovation efforts, focus on original innovation and integrated innovation, introduce technology, digest and absorb, and re-innovate. Strive to produce more than 250,000 vehicles of various types and sell them by 2020 Revenue exceeded 100 billion yuan."
      In order to achieve short-term and medium- and long-term goals, Shaanxi Auto has divided the heavy-duty truck market into 31 market segments, and set up targeted project groups such as port traction, dangerous goods transportation, highway dumping, express delivery, cold chain, and special vehicles; and Reorganize the current organizational structure, and set up business managers for traction, dumping, cargo, and special products under the regional general manager to train expert talents. Steadily promote line marketing, and strengthen market segmentation. "The former product manager was mainly divided by region. He knows the situation of all models in the area under his jurisdiction, but there is no in-depth study of each model, that is, the so-called'know everything and know nothing'. Now, we Divided by model, a product manager studies a model. He must be very clear about the configuration and characteristics of the product under different road conditions, so that the market segment can be refined, specialized, and thorough." Zhou Yinchao Say.
      Not only that, Shaanxi Auto also put forward the 2016 work policy of "customer orientation, service surpass, focus on main business, and coordinated development". Under the new normal, customers are increasingly demanding service. Shaanxi Auto will further deepen the concept of service-oriented manufacturing, establish a closer relationship with customers, and provide face-to-face service. In 2016, Shaanxi Auto will pay more attention to end customers and customer service experience, and provide customers with overall solutions through the combination of products and services, online and offline. Zhou Yinchao said: "Only by realizing the integration of sales and service, seizing the end customers, and digging deeper into customer needs, can we grasp the trend and obtain high market returns."

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